Sunday, April 29, 2007

Nothing Personal

I'm a nutrimetics consultant and yesterday I held an open house. You know, come to my place, check out the stuff, get a discount etc.

Well, no one came!

Now, six months ago, i would have been a blubbering mess, decided no one liked me, and disapeared off the face of the planet for a few weeks.

This time however, my mum and hubby were more upset than I was! I have learnt that some things are just not personal. People have lives, people don't like nutrimetics, whatever, it's not about me!!!

I admit, i did do a few rousing renditions of "no body likes me, everybody hates me, might as well go and eat worms...." but it was just for fun, and entertaining the kids!

Miss T came in that night actually, she was so sweet. I was lying in bed with agonising back pain, and she came in and carefully lay beside me, stroked my cheek and said "mummy, i'm sorry no one came to your party, are you ok?"


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